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Towards new horizons 30 May

The FAPI network is one of the 9 Global Networks in the Internationalisation Programme (2021–2024) of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland. One of the goals of these networks, in addition to each universities’ own actions in the global context, was also to increase the cooperation and knowledge sharing between the Finnish university actors.  As this is the last year of pilot, this is also a time to reflect what we have learned and what kind of national cooperation we potentially wish to maintain also in the future. At this stage, we also know that there will be no continuation for the strategic funding especially targeted for these activities.

As there will be changes in the Ministry of Education’s strategic funding system for the universities, it is each university’s own decision whether they will support the international cooperation in the Global South also in the future. The FAPI network wishes to offer an opportunity for each member university to participate into the discussion about the lessons learned and the national level cooperation interest also in the future.  Please save the date and time for these discussions on May 30, at 10.00 – 11.30.  We are also looking for your contributions as a speaker or your ideas. Please contact us at

Photo by Kirsi Korpela.

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